Most preferred AdSense niche in 2021

Rajat Mishra 2.0

Before starting blogging one should keep in mind certain factors like :

  • What is the niche of my blog ?
  • How to write a blog ? ( Blogging kaise kare)
  • What will be my domain and website address? 

But our main topic to be discussed in this post is top niches for blogging which are adsense friendly.

Before starting you should also be well aware of what is AdSense? 
So click here and know What is Google AdSense

Now before beginning , the questions which will be resolved in this post are these :

  • Best niche for blogging
  • Top niches for blogging
  • AdSense friendly niche
Now let's begin, many of you have already start blogging and upon reaching on midst you might be thinking whether my niche is right for getting AdSense approval.

In my opinion one can have multiple niches on their blog but it is advisable to stick to one niche.

 Actually to get AdSense approval you can have any niche. But the thing which matters most is your ability to convert your ideas in writing in that field. 

For example , I am quite expert in English as I am from an ICSE board. So  I choose my niche in English language and now my blog is based on blogging and news in English language.

 You can also have your niche in different languages but adsense approval will be given only on AdSense approved languages.

AdSense is continuously working in increasing the numeric strength of adsense friendly languages. 

Most of the  niches of blog are in English language

You are thinking I am deviating from my path but in reality I am giving you some. Extra information before you begin blogging.

Now coming back to point. 

  1. Choose the niche in which you are an  expert 
This is the foremost priority for you before you start blogging. I am saying so because you have to write a lot of content with originality in it. You need to be 100 percent unique and original to get adse approval. 

For example you are an expert in health knowledge and  knows English well. Then it is your plus point that you will get AdSense approval very soon because such niches are much supported by adsense.

Best niches for AdSense approval

There are some niches which are well supported by adsense. 
AdSense gives approval very fast on these niches even though you don't have enough content . But you need quality content here also.

Learn to display in-article ads in blogger complete-guide-on-displaying-in-article ads

INSURANCE This is a much popular topic on internet but the content available for it on Google is very much less as compared to other popular topic of internet.
That's why AdSense is giving highest priority in increasing popularity of this niche .
Moreover this is also an important aspect in every one's life.

I am giving you some info on how to begin an insurance blog. 
First you need to updated about government policies which are implemented recently. These are the things which all people search on the internet. People always want to know what are beneficial policies which can help them in their life.

 You can learn how to start blogging by clicking here Blogging for beginners
So you can begin with this niche if you have some information about it. I am telling you that if you manages to get AdSense approval on it you will be able to earn maximum revenue because adsense pays maximum money to such publishers. 

HEALTH : This is also a growing niche among internet users. As the health related problems are increasing day by day, people are getting more concerned about their health than before . And to resolve their issue they takes help of internet. So you need to be more focused in other categories also where you can easily come in competition and earn a good amount of money. 

Learn how to implement infeed ads Use infeed ads in blogger

You don't need to be professional enough to start a blog on health. You can even share your daily health routine and the diet you takes to stay fit and healthy. 
We will discuss more about it in other post .

HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE  you can start with this niche if you have sufficient knowledge about it . 
You can begin with such blogs by sharing your knowledge on how to increase your income my making money online. 
You can share your knowledge on how to earn money from blogging and from other stuffs.

I think you will definitely get enough content for such blogs and you easily get AdSense approval as well.

You only need to focus on your work and have patience .  I am  also trying to get AdSense approval on my blog because I also have same niche . If you also have any knowledge to share you can comment below and let me know your query.

You can also learn how to bring more traffic to your blog by this link : Bring unlimited traffic to your blog


This is also much popular on Google. People used to search a lot on how to make different food dishes. All such information is easily  available on internet. Moreover people are searching a lot about different food items. As a result one can begin blogging with food niche and can get fast AdSense approval. 
You can take help from your different family members and YouTube to come up with a sufficient content.

Furthermore, you can easily get a good template for food niche easily on Google search. This can be a piece of cake for you.

Now I hope you have understood some basic concepts on which niche to choose for easy and fast  adsense approval.
 If you still face any problem in understanding any concept or getting any problem in implementing any techniques, just contact me either through comment section or fill the contact form given below.


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