9 ways to drive ten times more traffic to blog (2021)

Rajat Mishra 2.0

 Oh! a beginner blogger always search for it in google like

1″how to grow blog “

2 “how to bring more audience “

3 “how to promote blog at low cost “

4 “how to get 10 k monthly visitors”

There are more such questions arise in Minds. But I have a complete solution for it…

I am going to show you some best tips and tricks which you can use in your blog to bring more visitors to your blog.

Before I start I am wants to show you a result of a survey of google search clicks According a survey

Learn how to use infeed ads Use infeed ads in blogger

Are you looking for these results?

1.  how to increase blog traffic for free 

2.  tricks to increase blog traffic

3. How to promote your blog for free

4.  How to get your blog noticed by Google

5.  How to increase website traffic in India

6.  How to get traffic to your website fast

7.  how to get traffic on website in india

8.  how to get traffic to a new blog

9. Blog par traffic kaise badhaye

10.  How to grow blog traffic

About 70 % clicks goes to the blogs which are visible on First page.

About 20% clocks goes to to blogs which are visible on second page of google search engine.

And 10 % to rest blogs after second page.

So even if we don’t manage to reach on First page , we can even come in second page and can be among last 30 % results

Now the tips to grow your blog fast in low budget are here :

  • Focus on creating a lengthy post
  • Work concistently on your blog
  • Share your blog on Social Media and to your relatives
  • Choose a high level domain if you can
  • Try to get backlinks on other blogs and websites.
  • Include essential keywords
  • Give answers on quora and post your link
  • Boost up your audience by ads
  • Add social sharing links
Now starting with...

  • Focus on creating a lengthy post

A lengthy post is always given a first priority by google bots and hence appears at high position in google search results. Basically you should focus that you always have more than 500 words in each post ,it is so because below this word limits blog post is always considered as a low quality post.

You can know how to drive unlimited traffic to your blog by this post Drive unlimited traffic to your blog

But you might be thinking that this will be a boring idea but in reality this is the best tip for every blog. 

You should always bring interesting facts so that reader don’t feel bored and remain consistent at your blog.

Also you can offer some external links and internal links related to your topics to make it more professional.

You should also be careful to avoid any grammatical mistakes because it can badly affect your google ranking. To avoid this you should better check your post twice before uploading it.

Remember : Images are not counted as words, even they have no affect on SEO ranking. So be careful that images count is not a factor on google ranking.

Now you may ask

Quality is more important than quantity

But here the thing matters is how much you can present to the readers. Means the more you write with quality the more you get traffic.

CONCLUSION : The word counts in a post is more important. Try to focus on writing a heading and then expanding it in detail to increase word limit.

  • Work concistently on your blog

It is sad that the blog recieves 80 % more traffic if the author works consistently and posts at regular interval of time like after each 2 days. For example if you post an article on blog1 after 2 weeks and on blog2 after every 3 days .Then the the blog2 will appear at better position than blog1.

 Click here to know  What is AdSense?

Therefore, you may have understood , if not a detail about it is given below.

1 Try to make a schedule post : It is important because this will increase your position in google results. In spite of posting 3 to 4 post on a holiday, try to divide this into every 2 days post . This also looks professional and you achieves a better position.

You can easily make a scheduled post on wordpress as a option is given. For this follow given steps :

Click on the posts

You will see three rows named ” published ” , ” Drafts ” and ” scheduled “

Move to the scheduled and create your post.

Then type the date when you want to publish it. Simple! It’s done dude.

For blogger, there is no such option given, therefore you have just to click on ” publish ” button after you are done.

Now, you have understood how important it is to be regular and punctual in blog posting.

NOTE : Google will take your blog as dormant if no updation or no post is published after 3 months and you will loose your google ranking. Therefore, to avoid this work concistently on your blog always.

2. Make updates to your post after a certain time

Now you may think why I am saying so. But if don’t make any updates to your post after even 2 years your post will go down and you will loose your valueable audience.

  • Share your blog on Social Media and to your relatives

This is also an important tip to bring a consistent traffic to your blog. This is a place which you can use free of cost to get views. Here you have chance to get a good traffic for your any post if you have good numerical strength of followers.india-vs-england-2021-2nd-test-overwiew

Click to learn how to blog Professional Blogging help

The important social platforms are these :







Through these platforms you will get both unique visitors and huge traffic

Also, if you have enough budget than you can start ads of your blog on these social sites at diserable cost. This can really enhance your blog activity. These tricks will surely help you as you will see a steady growth in your blog stats.

Also, don’t forget to provide links of your post to your friends and relatives because they are the one who can share your blog to a large number of people. They will also become a regular visitor of your latest posts.

Attention : Always add popular social share links in your blog which are stated above.

Link your twitter, facebook, all type of accounts to wordpress. In this way all your latest post will automatically be published in your social accounts and people will come through it easily.

Try to impress your friends to share your blog on their friends circles by giving them some temptations and helping them.

  • Choose a high level domain if you can

Another most important aspect on getting a high traffic to your blog.

The domain is categorized in two categories : 1. High level domain. 2. Low level domain.

A High level domain ranks more easily on google search results. It recieve a better position than any other low level domain. Examples of High level domain are .Com, .in,. org, .xyz, .co, .co , .in, etc

A low level domain ranks below high level domain and receive less position than a high level domain. There are many examples. They are usually free like .blogspot.com , wordpress.com , Wiz. Com, etc.

Now coming to point, if you wants to attract more traffic ,try to focus on getting a high level domain. They can be purchased at low cost from several websites whose links I am giving here.

  • Go daddy  
  • Only domains
  • NameCheap
  • Hostinger

Moreover, you should buy a domain if you can because they are very cheap for first year.

CONCLUSION: A high level domain always plays a vital role in determining the overall rating of your blog.

  • Try to get backlinks on other blogs and websites

This matters a lot while ranking your blog in search engine by google. This factor highly determines where your blog is and what will be it’s position when an user sees it in different search engines.

It is to be noted that in determining ranking of a website, Google webmaster gives most credit to Backlinks of a blog on other sites.

The backlinks are given different values on on the following bases

The value will be highest if the backlinks is found on homepage of the blog

The value will be slightly lower if the backlink is on a certain Page.

The value will be less if the backlinks is in comments section

Now you have understood a lot about backlinks. Mainly they are of two types :

• Do follow links

• No follow links

We will discuss in detail in next post. 

The toxic level of the website where the backlinks is created is also very important .If the toxic level is high, your site ranking will decrease. If the toxic level is low it will increase site visibility. You can check this by many tools like


• yoast seo

  • Include essential keywords

This is also important. Try to use as many keywords as possible in first paragraph of the post. Also try to focus on less competitive keywords. I am telling this because in less competition your site will rank more easily and has broader visibility.

So try to focus on such things always. You can take help of many tools which I have mentioned above like Semrush , etc.

I am sharing an example. I have searched “whatsapp all tricks “.this is a very competitive word so I should not use. Instead I found a word “coolest and hidden tricks of whatsapp “.

Now you have understood how to use this feature. Thus this is all about it.

  • Give answers on quora and post your link

I believe you have many times visited Quora for your doubts. But have you ever knew it that this can be the best place to get huge traffic. I think 90%😱Of you are not aware of it. So I am giving you a free advice. Just follow it and your traffic will increase by 50 percent 🤩really.

It’s a miracle for me as I recieves 28% traffic of my blog My previous blog from quora. Organic will reach you slowly ( after a year ) because they need to rank higher in Google search result .So now you have known the importance of quora in boosting your traffic.

  • Boost up your audience by ads

There are many adservices around the world where you can easily use their services to display your blog post in others website. Google ads is the most widely used ads network where you can rank your blog in Google search engine results. There are many other examples where you have to pay to display your website . Some good adservices are

  • AdSense
  • Media.net
  • Popads
  • Infolinks
  • Adsterra
  • Admaven
I have a post which will give you complete knowledge of adsense. Click here What is AdSense ?

There are some more but we will talk about them later .

  • Add social sharing links

Social ageing links is a very important to make your post trending. They are very essential for bringing a decent amount of traffic. If you have a good number of followers and friends then you can easily get 200 views for each post daily from one social site.

Some popular social sharing links are

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • LinkedIn
  • Quora

You can also see below this post some sharing links. If you have liked this post a lot , please share it with your friends and other people.

At last I think you have received answers to your problems. if there are some problems still just write in comment box and I will try to answer as fast as possible .

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