Is blogging really profitable in 2021 ?

Rajat Mishra

 In this post I am going to answer all questions of those who are in dilemma whether to begin blogging as their future or skip it. 

Such people have many questions in their mind whether blogging is profitable or not. They are having confusions regarding how to blog. They used to ask others such questions like


  •  how beginners make money from blogging, 
  • how to start a blog and make money 
  • Is blogging profitable
  • How much a blogger can earn 
  • Types of blog that make money
 In this post I am going to answer your all such questions. This post is going to be very long so take some snacks or coffee so you don't get bored.

Are you looking for these ?

1.  best blogging sites in india to earn money 
2.  how to start blogging in india

3. Indian blogging sites that pay 

4.  which language is best for blogging 

5.  How to start blogging for free

6. blogging niche ideas 2021 

7.  how to start a news blog in india 

8.  how to make money blogging for beginners in india 

9.  blogging for money for beginners

10.  Blog ideas that make money

That time have already passed when people used to blog as their hobby only. In nintees people used blogging as a medium to share their thoughts. At that time there was no ads services which can help blogger to earn money . As a result many of them were not interested in blogging. Blogging was not so profitable in nintees and early twenties. 

But that scenario has completely changed now . People of this generation takes blogging as their passion and earns a huge amount of money just by passing few hours of their day on screen.  Some of them even earns millions of dollars in months through blogging only. 

You can learn how to blog for beginners by clicking here Blogging for beginners

There are many sources which are available to earn a good amount of money.  People nowadays uses to utilise all of such options to make most  from blogging. There are dozens of options available which can give you a chance to earn money .

But the first requirement for you to earn money is to have sustainial amount of daily views on your blog.

 You can also earn in thousands daily if you manages to grow a good amount of audience who visits your blog daily. If you have a good traffic then others will ask you to publish their link in your post and they will pay you for it. Many brands will approach you for sponsoring their products.

So let's start with most basic way to earn money on blog ..

  • By placing ads 
This is the most common way to earn money for small publishers. Bloggers used to sell their blog space to other adservices which displays different ads on your blog .
As a result you get paid from such adservices for displaying ads on your blog.
Actually this is the main source of income for small publishers. Their most of the income is generated by displaying ads on their blog.

This can be termed as a daily income because ads will be shown life time till you don't stop . As a result it can be termed as a passive income for bloggers.
They can make around 30 dollars daily if they recieves around thousands page views daily. 


Showing ads to earn money  is first priority in blogging. I too uses ads to earn money. 

There are many types of ads like 
  • Pop-up ads
  • Short link ads
  • Full page ads
  • Header ads
  • Pop under ads 
There are many types of ads which we will discuss later in other post . I will provide a link here when I will publish the blog post. Till then you can directly ask me in comment section. 

Established blogs like Shout me loud don't use ads as their first preference. They uses  other sources which drives a huge amount of money which we will discuss in this post itself. I would like to tell you that SHOUT ME LOUD is an Indian blog.

  • By asking for sponsored posts :
I am telling you that this method brings a huge amount of revenue. Many bloggers make lakhs by just publishing one post related to any sponsor.

This is possible when an sponsor asks you to write something about his products so that his products can gain some reputation and become popular among others. And in lieu of that the sponsor will pay you for it.
You can sponsor others post once you have good traffic to your blog.

But here you will be paid once only . The sponsor will pay you only one time and his post will remain at your blog for whole life or till the agreement which is made. 

This is not a passive income . Passive income is possible in ads . Even though you will make a good earning by blogging. 
To get sponsor posts you have to make some arrangements which I am discussing below. :
  • First make a page on your site named "Apply for sponsor posts"
  • Then make it appear on your blog so that people can see and apply easily.
  • Next is to wait till any request not comes. You can even circulate this information on Social Media as well.

• By Affiliate marketing

I would advise you that you should opt for this option if you have enough daily views on your blog because many ignores this .

Affiliate marketing is entirely a different term. You can call it as a passive income like the ads. 

Now you will ask how to earn money from blogging by this source ?
I will tell you that this is actually similar to placing ads on your blog but it is somewhat different. 
Here you have to go to Amazon seller account. I will not discuss in detail how to do this. I will soon publish a post related to it .

Let's see.
  • First find Amazon seller website and Google 
  • Scroll through it and create an account if you don't have. If you have an existing account just log in .
  • Then find products which are similar to your blog niche and copy the links of such products.
  • After it paste such links on your post .
  • Then you have to wait till any transaction is not  made.
 Now I will tell you what you will get by posting such links on your blog.
Actually if someone buys any product from your links then you will be paid about 6% as your fees. 

Learn how to use infeed ads in bloggerHow to use infeed ads in blogger
Let's take an example, if someone buys a phone of ten thousand by your link and affiliate marketing fees is 6% of total transaction then you will get six hundred without any effort.

This is what I mean. Now I think I have cleared your doubts completely by this example.
By selling your products

This is the fourth option I am telling you how to earn money online from blogging. 
I have  many other options to reach you How to earn money from blogging but I will discuss other options in second post related to How to earn online.

Ok let's begin.  Selling your products is completely different thing . Here you create your own products and put it in your blogs for sell. Many people comes and views it . If they feel it is important for them , they just purchase it from you and you get paid.

Here you don't have to rely on others to pay you . You can make your products, put your trademarks and sell it at your own price.
You will be paid directly your whole income on your blog itself . Only thing is required is that you should be expert in that field and nothing else . 

If you know a lot about blogging and have a well established blog then you will easily get buyers of your products and it can be a good option for you to earn money.

This is all about blogging and earning online. I will teach dozens of other options in later posts till then click on these links for more 

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