Fritz story learn in one shot - Satyajit Ray

Rajat Mishra
5 minute read

 Fritz is an interesting story written by an Indian author named satyajit Ray. This story written by him carries all elements and qualities that a short story contains. This is an example of an ideal short story . 

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Fritz story summary

The story begins with a proper introduction of the main characters ( Jayanto and Shankar) . I will tell you everything about them in this post . The story has a plot , settings and a good ending with suspense that attracts the reader to read it till end .


You can say it is somewhat horror or ghost story 

So let's begin with Characters..

  • JAYANTO : Jayanto is the main character of this story. He is the protagonist of this story called Fritz. He works in an editorial division of the newspaper. His father was an archeaolist and thus he used to visit historical places. In the same way Jayanto also accompanys him . They both spend a lot of time in bundi . At that time Jayanto was just six years old . He used to play with a doll called Fritz which was given to him by his uncle. Later on they went out of Bundi . Jayanto has a good friend named Shankar who spends a lot of time with him even though both have entirely different professions and jobs.

  • SHANKAR : Shankar is a teacher in a school. He is also the narrator of this story. He don't play much role in this story but he always remains with his friend Jayanto all the time . They both went to Bundi to visit there on Jayanto's request. They also spend a quality time as they are very close. cool-facts-of-india-you-must-know-being indian
  • FRITZ : Fritz is nothing but a Swiss doll brought by Jayanto's uncle from Switzerland for Jayanto. The doll is 12 inch tall and Jayanto used to spend a lot of time with him . On some day Jayanto left the doll on ground and it for torn down by some stray dogs. Later on Jayanto buried it under a deodar tree. This is how Fritz ended.
Now a brief summary

The story is a semi horror story. It has elements of horror at end of it when gardener digged the ground and a twelve inch pure white human skeleton was discovered. And there was nothing like horror after it.

Jayanto and Shankar are most important characters


 So this is all about it . Now I am beggining directly into the matter without deviating anywhere . The story begins with two characters who are very close friend. 

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They are named as Jayanto and Shankar. They have very good relationship. They used to spend a lot of time together. Jayanto insisted him to visit some historical places. Shankar told him many places but Jayanto was eager to go to Bundi only . Though Bundi don't have much scenery and historical places, Jayanto wished to go there. There are many other places like Udaipur , Jaipur , etc which are known for their historical significance but Jayanto denied to visit other places. 

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Thus the story begins. They both reached there in bundi and stayed at circuit house which was famous place and was expected to have been build hundred years before. It was suggested that it was used by government officials for short stays.

They stayed at circuit house.

Now they went to visit the place . At the same time Jayanto's childhood memories started coming Back. He realised how he used to pass his childhood days in this land. He also began to tell about it to Shankar. Shankar listened it curiously. Then Jayanto told him everything about it . Later on the nature of Jayanto began to change erratically. He became sad and disappointed. Then Shankar aßked him and Jayanto told him the whole story of the Fritz . He told him how he got the doll and how it was destroyed by the stray dogs . He told him everything about Fritz and how he spend his whole time with Fritz only.

Shankar took it slightly but the same night the scene changed again. Shankar worked up at night and saw Jayanto sitting on the bed . The time was about 2:30 am. Shankar asked him  why he was still waking up . He told Shankar that he had sensed that something is there in the room. He said he felt something moving on his chest. Both of them searched in the whole room but nothing could be found.

Then Shankar told Jayanto that there would be nothing because the door and windows were properly locked and thus nothing could enter the room. Jayanto was still not satisfied by The answer but both of them then decided to go back to sleep. In morning both of them got up. Shankar was sure that Jayanto's whole night went terrible as he could not sleep well. 

In morning both did their regular breakfast fast and decided to go to see some forts. They were accompanied by a person who was telling them every thing about the place . Soon Shankar came to know that he was not followed by Jayanto anymore. He asked that person and he replied that Jayanto told him that he was going to top floor. Soon Shankar also reached there and asked him why he went there.

Finally, Jayanto told everything to Shankar. He told that 
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